Let me introduce myself!

My name is Teresea Patton.

I am a creative hippie mama that thrives on helping others and getting things done that make me enjoy my life to the fullest. I want to tell you a little about me now and hope that we grow to know each other much better.

I am a women’s empowerment guide because of the passion I have to share the lessons that helped me through some of the most challenging times in my life. What is an empowerment guide you ask? It is a person (me) that helps another person (you) find ways to shed light on the things that need to be shifted in order to become a stronger, more confident individual so that you can be more effective and happier in your life.  

As a seasoned corporate America employee, I could feel my soul being sucked out through every pore in my body. The moment of fate came when I found a women’s leadership program focused on authenticity. The program taught me how to show up in life, personally and professionally, in the most effective way to be myself. I began enjoying my 9-5 job again, and I showed up to kick butt and take names!

When my sister passed away after almost a decade of battling cancer, I would have been lost without knowing how to set boundaries, show up with my true heart, and ask for what I needed. I learned how to love myself and how to communicate with others in a way that felt honest. No fluff, no worry about what others thought about how I handled my grief. 

Knowing myself allowed me to work through the immediate impact of the loss with kindness to myself. Allowing myself grace to sleep when I needed to and be OK that I just made it through the day. I knew when I needed to get off the kitchen floor and ask for help managing my grief without shame. I was able to show my daughters that it was OK to handle things your way and in your own time. This was a lesson that I would not have been able to teach them a year earlier. 

Using proven methods and knowledge gained of how we operate as human beings, I was able to ground myself in my true personality and characteristics. I learned how to shed expectations of others and questioned why I felt the need for approval from EV-ER-Y-ONE. Now I am able to leverage my strengths to show up effectively in everyday life. 


This feeling of confidence and peaceful freedom to be your true, amazing self is what I want to help you learn to do.

  • Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions?

  • Are you always questioning why you committed to that thing you don’t want to do?

  • Do you wish you could speak up for what you want at work without shame or fear of judgment?

  • Do you wish for calm in the storm that has become your life?

If this is you I GOT YOU!!!

Book a complimentary chat with me to see how I can help you get there. I can’t wait to meet you!!!

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