Upcoming events

Filtering by: “holiday gatherings”

Wine and Wrapping!

Wine and Wrapping!

Gather your gifts and wrapping paper and let’s wrap together and hang out!

Join Teresea of Patton a Passionate Life & Demi of Holistically Chic for an evening of gift wrapping.

As coaches, Demi and Teresea work with their clients to help them live happier, healthier lives, feeling free in their own skin.

As part of their mission, they've come together to bring events such as this one to simply bring people together and to have fun.

Bring your beverage of choice, gifts, wrapping paper (or bags!!), tape, scissors…ALL the wrapping items needed to get started wrapping or to finish your last minute items.

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Happier, Healthier Holidays

Happier, Healthier Holidays

Does the Holiday season typically cause you to stress?

During this webinar, we'll show you how to protect your boundaries around:

Your health when it comes to holiday food

Your mental health when certain family members get to you

Your stress level if you're the one hosting or dreading going to a gathering

Your energy level so you can protect it and not let anyone bring it down

Putting yourself FIRST

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